
I am certain that there is no other interesting part of my life than turning back the pages during those time when I literally enjoyed paradise.  I have a wonderful life in the province and up to now I can still feel the same feeling when I was there, 6 years ago.  I can still smell the ocean. I can still hear the simultaneous crushing of stone and sand each time the wave curls and crawls  on the shoreline.  The  calmness and serenity of the field and smile and warmness of my kababayan seizes the revolution underneath my head, so every time I think of them there is always a feeling of regret.

                                 Lanuza, Surigao Del Sur.


The municipality of Lanuza is a third class municipality located in the northeast of Mindanao.


Where the sun rises and sets. 


With panoramic plain planted with rice and cold breeze coming from the wilderness of the mountains, calmness is a lifestyle.



 Rainy season is during the month of December to February.  So expect a heavy downpour of rain like this. 



But when there is no rain and the weather is fine, what I often do is


lonely walking around  and visiting my classmates and friends. places.



This house is so familiar. I always pass through here everytime I’m on my way to school. Zarraga family is the owner of this house and they are the most wealthy family in our municipality.

Meanwhile, this is the entrance of my school.


This particular place is so memorable to me because in this exact place, my grade 3 teacher told me that I got the first honor in our class. :)


 We often do this before every time a visitor comes.  (T.T)


Often, I have an inadequate allowance. My lola which was the one who financially supported me gave me five pesos for the whole day! We’re poor and as a child, I lived and experienced poverty so I understand how it feels like. But one person understood my situation, Mang Lindoy where I owe   ice cream many time. Rather every time! He was like my second father. He always asks me If I’m okay. He is always there with his kind heart, helping hand and ice cream of course.  I tell you, you can hardly find a person like him today.


Every Sunday, I serve as an altar server in Saint Anthony De Padua Parish (The saint where I got my name) . 

Inside the sacristi,  I always borrow this saint’s wig. I wore it like a star. Like a punk. modeling it around. It was the source of  extreme laughter among us. 


 After the 7 A.M mass, I often go to “ilaja” with my lolo to survey his acacia plants. He has rheumatism so we were slowly walking in this exact highway. 



Afternoon just before the dark, we were making our way back home. image

This is what we ought to forget. That life starts not when we get a job or finished studies. Life starts when you started appreciating the splendor of beauty around you. The most certain things I can ever say.

Dave Deiz
Ian and Roy Felix
Surf Lanuza

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