TIME baybeh, time!

They say that the best part of being a teenager is you have time. A time to be who you are, a time to love somebody, to explore, to laugh, and a time to commit mistakes- millions of mistakes. Sometimes I wonder maybe somewhere in the middle of all these lies the untenanted space between me and my own time. It is like being confronted with a crisis of having time for everything but having no everything. So I am intrigued with the concept of “time.”

Every time I stares at the clock I see the world revolving around it, together with it slow silent circular movement, I see the numbers as decadence of decades, of life and death, of humanity’s persecution and victory. But as the clock goes on and on with the same circular movement- the impersonal, apathetic, heartless movement which embraces all the sudden and lethargy like a fresh wound of leprosy staring aimlessly to the world it devastates, like a suicidal poet filled with her boring successes, people treats her immortal- a language material, a literary god and bitch. Then this clock maybe, I said is not just there to measure time but stays there to usher humanity in silence to ask questions like What is time? How can we analyze it’s metaphor? Is the future time infinite?

When we can say that now is right now? Maybe every time a person says now, that “now” is swept away with each paltry flakes movement of the clock. Now is not yesterday and yesterday will not be the tomorrow- future is uncertain as time, the concept of now is unfathomable- so linear. Damned boring.

Someone will think of time as the “interchat”- the intricate,orderless dance of present and future and of real and untrue. When somebody says past and present, it might signifies the real- but to talk about the future- since it is indeterminate and uncertain, maybe it is not at all, true. It is like saying that my birth is real but my death is not.

While devouring a book of Philosophy instead some school stuff that bores me, I learned about this concept of ordering positions of event in time. It is like putting events into a straight line of time. Suppose the first line is the series A, it takes the position of present simultaneous with the other position running towards from the past to the present and from the present to the future. We can infer that in order for this to exist, it must attain a certainty in generating contradiction between past, present, and future which as we know are not certain about. A perfect example for this is when you are driving, it attributes the position of being present- it cannot be in the past and in the future. When maintaining an attitude against a thing or an event occurring once in every position in the series, the application of this view in reality will be in contradiction. So it ditches this series as impossible to be true because same event can happen in the different position of time. The B series has another system. It bases the position of time dependent on how early or late it happened to other events. It is also impossible to say that there is an occurrence of change in this series since it creates a permanent relation between events.

Though it gives two different view about the position of time in a life of a person, it does not answers the fundamental question: “What is time?”

The philosophy says that the world sees time in a circular order. It is like what we see in the clock- a linear durationless motion of two hands.Portion of the world says that time is the events that happens within that circular order. Some will say that it is the substance of that event, few may believes that it as measurement of change, the other few may say that it is the spatial extension between two events, and the most few will say that it is just a mental projection of external realities.

While reading all these it is like gauging life down there. It produces questions like is time uncertain? Am I suppose to wander my life in a plain line which bores me?

Time for me is not the measurement of the clock. Time is the essence of everything, the phase of everything that a human do with my his life. His achievements and failures- time lies a midst of every chaos and solitude out there.

The next proper question I guess is when will it cease? Does death ceases time?
When a particular motion or movement halt, will it urges the time to also stop?

Let see!

About anthonyorozco12

I'm pragmatically irrelevant
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